Vaishnav Sangh of Adelaide

$1 A Day Campaign

This campaign was launched in 2011 with aim to raise funds to organise various activities throughout the year, like celebrating utsavs and manoraths, purchasing seva samagri and shringar for Thakorji. In future, this fund will be utilised for a proposed project of Thakorji’s haveli in Adelaide. We highly encourage all vaishnavs to participate in this campaign which is primarily launched for a noble cause.

Prasadi Manorathi

As every utsav/satsang is followed by Mahaprasad, we request vaishnavs to offer their seva for Mahaprasad.

Utsav Manorathi

In last few years Vaishnav Sangh of Adelaide has been grown up from a small group of vaishnavs to family of large number of vaishnavs residing in Adelaide. As per Je Je Shree’s agya (permission) we encourage all vaishnavs to celebrate their birthdays, anniversaries, and all good occasions in front of Thakorji by becoming manorathi in monthly satsang or in utsavs.

Nyochhavar & Donations

Nyochhavar for all above manoraths and ad-hoc donations can be transferred to the following account

Account Name: Shree Vallabhdham

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 065-004

Account Number: 1116 3788

ABN: 30 530 468 344

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